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Building Science and Its Many Applications

Building science is a vast and complex field that has many applications. From forensic analysis of building failures to the design of new construction and renovation, it’s a powerful tool for architects who want a solid working knowledge of how buildings actually work.

Our course is designed for individual learning, but lots of small groups take it together on the same schedule and use the downloadable course packet to facilitate discussion.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is one of the best ways to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. It benefits everyone from households to businesses, and it is essential in addressing climate change and reducing the cost of power for American consumers.

The energy used in buildings accounts for about 33% of total global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why it is important to create buildings that are as efficient as possible in terms of their operational energy use. Energy-efficient buildings are designed to save occupants money on their utility bills, increase the resiliency and reliability of the electric grid, and improve their building’s indoor comfort.

Buildings that are more efficient use less energy for heating, cooling, lighting, and appliances. They also provide a healthier indoor environment by cutting down on air pollution, which can cause a variety of diseases and illnesses such as asthma and lung cancer.

There are several steps that can be taken to make a building more energy-efficient, such as using insulation and installing light bulbs with a lower wattage. It is also recommended to incorporate renewable energy into a building, such as solar water heaters and photovoltaic electricity generation, so that it does not solely rely on traditional fossil fuels for energy. By incorporating these technologies, it is also easier to take advantage of the sun’s free energy.

Moisture Management

Moisture management is a broad discipline in building science that encompasses managing the flow of water through and around buildings. This includes addressing moisture intrusion (water penetration), condensation and vapor diffusion. Moisture issues are very common in building design, construction and operation, affecting everything from insulation to framing to roofing. Entire industries have developed to address these moisture problems, which can range from mold growth and rot to insect infestation. Many of these problems are traceable to poor decisions in design, construction or maintenance.

The bulk movement of water through and around a building enclosure occurs via rainwater, groundwater, air transport and vapor diffusion. Moisture management strategies typically involve drainage planes, the use of air barriers and vapor retarders, and control of interior humidity levels through ventilation and dehumidification. Moisture migration and transfer are driven by a combination of thermal gradients, concentration gradients and surface tension forces. Capillarity is the most important of these forces, which explains the hysteresis in the moisture content of building materials and assemblies.

Bulk moisture is experienced as precipitation, snow, floodwaters and groundwater and must be dealt with through carefully considered material selection and arrangement. It is also critical to ensure that sheathing and wall assemblies are positioned so that they can shed water away from the building enclosure.

Indoor Air Quality

In the last two decades, research has focused on improving the quality of air in buildings and structures where people spend most of their time. Common contaminants found in indoor environments include secondhand tobacco smoke, air pollutants from building materials and furnishings, radon, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, molds, bacteria and particulates. These can contribute to a variety of ailments and have negative impacts on human health, comfort and productivity.

Many factors influence indoor air quality including occupants’ habits, activities and use of products in buildings. Some sources of indoor pollutants release them more or less continuously, while others only produce them intermittently. If too little outdoor air penetrates into indoor spaces, pollutants can accumulate to dangerous levels.

Green buildings, which are designed with energy and environmental considerations, generally have lower indoor pollutant levels than conventional buildings. However, limited experimental data comparing green buildings with conventional ones exists.

To improve the understanding of the relationship between building environment and indoor air quality, it is important to conduct region-specific and location-specific studies to identify major indoor contaminant sources. For example, analysis of residential homes in Lodi Province, Italy revealed that greater manual airing results in higher sub-micrometric particle penetrations [68]. While such findings can be helpful for creating new regulations and guidelines, they can also be used to compare different regions’ indoor air quality standards.

Health & Safety

Building science is concerned with the full life cycle of buildings from planning, design and construction through facilities management, building pathology, conservation and demolition. It is also concerned with new and emerging building materials, energy technologies and the issues of sustainability and pollution.

The modern approach to building science involves looking at the whole structure and the multiple systems within it that affect functionality. It is a synthesis of many fields including architecture, engineering and physics with a strong focus on the needs of the occupants. It aims to improve overall building performance, durability and characteristics for the entire building life cycle.

For example, a well-insulated and airtight house can have problems with stale air or mold growth if the ductwork is not properly installed. A professional builder will be able to identify and correct these issues.

A career in building science requires a strong analytical mind, excellent communication skills and the ability to work as part of a team. For those with the right mix of interests and aptitudes, a career in this field is an exciting and rewarding challenge. It is an ideal choice for those interested in applying their technical training to the field of architecture and the arts. Imagine being able to explain why something works or why it fails without compromising the artistic, cultural and environmental qualities of the architectural artifact.